A Constellation of Knowledge Pertaining to the Physical Space Market.

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Our Mission

Urban Planning Café was originally created as a journaling outlet for a cohort of urban planning graduate students. The idea was to maintain a collective-intelligence centered around experience and research.

Whether it’s technical know-how, market insight, lessons learned, or finding expert level collaborators to carry out professional projects with, this website now functions as a centralized hub for anyone who shares an interest in, or seeks knowledge pertaining to, urban planning and the real estate domain.

Collaboration is Key

The Principle of Social Council states that for any problem you encounter, there is someone else who has also encountered a similar problem and worked through it in some capacity. Forging mutually beneficial relationships or collaborating with these other specialized-knowledge workers, is a prerequisite to effectively pursuing the best opportunities in today’s ultra-competitive and global economy.

There’s no need to spend your time sifting through online literature, when someone else who can bring specialized-knowledge to the discussion, potentially answering your questions in a single conversation, is available. This shaves significant time from the learning process so you can get the ball rolling faster, focus on additional tasks, and achieve your objective more efficiently.

Public Data

Hard Data = Reality. Ignore the spin, and keep tabs on important metrics here:


Data Products

The world never stops moving. This means data ages poorly. Our data comes direct from our own MLS and is updated in real time. You can extract meaning from this data with our easy-to-read dashboard data-products so you can know the economic reality that underlies your market.